Dear Doctors, My almost 9 year old female Siberian cat, Rada, and I live in Moscow, Russia. She is a beautiful inside cat and she did not have any big problems with her health before now. The main issue since, probably, when she was about 2 or 3 years old, ... At the beginning of August 2010 she was boarded at a cat's hotel for 2 weeks during our vacation. It was only her 2nd stay at a cat's hotel in her life and we think that she might have picked up the virus there. ...
Ale oprócz smaku, kieruję się jeszcze jedną radą, zaserwowaną mi razem z winem w warszawskiej winiarni u pana M.: "dobre wino kosztuje miedzy 20 a 60 zł. Tańsze to zlewki, droższe - przerost formy nad treścią" ...
I love these things and they are great for lake trips and beach vacations or just to help keep up with the shades or keep from sitting on them! They normally RETAIL for $6.99 on the CHUMS website but lets just say I got a DEAL! ...